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Piano Works


Composed for Dr. Stephen Sachs, who premiered the work on February 22, 2019.  The music voices the idea of its title with the interplay of three themes....


For Joel, With Love

In memoriam Joel David Sauerwein (1959-2017).


After Wonder

A pensive reflection on the last few verses of Psalm 19.



This prelude is a still-life image of the Tower of Babel, the firstfruits of ongoing collaborative work with artist Jacob Rowan.


Sakharov Song

Composed on the heels of completing Sakharoviana, this piece evokes a speculative image of Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov's calm, thoughtful, compassionate curiosity. 


After a Coffee Stain (Digression VII)

A wistful etude, named after an early mishap in the compositional process.


Playrude (Digression VI)

A short prelude with a silly name.


Near Love and Sleep

A birthday present for my charming wife, Quita, and a sincere, whimsical portrait of our affection and friendship.  Imagine drifting off to sleep while meditating on a peaceful, secure, adventurous companionship -- riches beyond what words (or music) can express. 


Dreams of Swans (Digression IV)

A friend of mine commissioned this as a birthday gift for his wife.  It includes a handful of references to well-known romantic pieces, as well as a variety of subtle allusions to melodic motives from a familiar celebratory tune.    


Digression V

This piece never got a suitable title, and was inadvertently numbered out of order among the ongoing set of Digressions.


Seven Relativistic Etudes

These pieces comment on a common but problematic way of thinking. The musical language for this series is deliberately contrived to be abstract and open to unbridled interpretation, but its use evokes intentionally vivid and concrete imagery.


I. Prelude (Evening Shade)

II. Leviathan

III. Invention

IV. Artifice

V. Lounge

VI. Statues

VII. Postlude (Dangling Hope)

For Margo (Digression II)

I composed this short prelude during a workshop on choreography and composition.  My collaborator (Margo van Ummerson) independently designed a solo dance, and we put the two together, sight unseen.  The effect was surprisingly captivating...


Snow Music

Snow Music is a conversational meditation on a single moment of wonder: One evening, halfway through composing this piece, sitting at the piano in a pool of lamplight, I was surprised to notice snowflakes falling outside my living-room window. Their simple, swirling, entrancing beauty crystallized the music's expressive focus.


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© 2025 by Andrew Mark Sauerwein.   Last Update: 3/1/25.


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